How To Not Lose Your Cool Over the Festive Season

woman on red blanket

Did you know that the festive season can be one of the most stressful time periods on the calendar? Creating many scenarios where you can lose your ish!

Stress, anxiety and lots of FOMO is the order of the day.

Over and above the emotional effects there are also:

  • Financial stressors, caused by all the gifts and food you ‘need to buy’. Keeping up with a festive season social calendar comes at a cost too. Up for leisurely, boozy lunches anyone?
  • Physical stressors, caused by exhaustion. Come back from your holiday exhausted?

How do you handle all of these scenarios without losing your ish? Don’t worry I got you covered, here are five scenarios that will make you want to lose your ish but how to handle it so that you stay calm.

[bctt tweet=”#1 Being invited to every. single. social. event. But you need time to recharge” username=”cherralle_”]

How To Not Lose Your Cool Over the Festive Season

Christmas party drinks

How to deal with the pressure of being invited to every single social event (when you need time to recharge)

You do not ‘have’ to do anything. Respectfully decline.

Remember to look after your well being.

People who care about you will understand.

TIP: Try to set aside specific days that you will be entertaining, attending parties, and days you will stay at home. This way you will have time set aside to relax and recharge.

[bctt tweet=”Carve out time to recharge over the holidays, be careful of ‘overbooking’ yourself. #restup ” username=”cherralle_”]

Being volunteered by well-meaning friends and family to ‘host functions’ because you have the nice backyard or pool

Almost always a result of a WhatsApp group conversation gone wrong. You check your messages, 166 messages unread on the group, and you see ‘oh I have been nominated to host the next Braai/Barbeque at your house’.

TIP: Think through whether you want to do this. The cost involved in time, money and energy. If its too sensitive to decline, then make it a joint venture and ask each person to bring something and to come help set up.

Traditionalism this holiday – where only women may work in the kitchen

Sensitive topic.  Just bear with me for a moment. If you are okay with this, then this is fine.

If you are not okay with this –

You may choose to overlook the fact that all the men are relaxing, whereas all the women are working in the kitchen. That is okay as it’s only for the holidays.

TIP: However, if it bothers you just ask one of the guys to come and lend a hand to a particular task. Example, to help peel potatoes, or serve the drinks. If you invite a guy to help with a specific task I don’t think anyone will decline!

My husband and I have developed a communication style. I give a ‘ help me’ or ‘save me’ look, and that usually does the trick!

Handpicked Related Post: 22 Things I Really Want for Christmas as a Mom

How to entertain the kids during the the holidays

It is a good idea to have a few activities mapped out ahead of time. You can do this by researching events in the area.

girl blowing bubbles

Outside the home activities:

  • Local Zoo
  • Trampoline Park
  • Library
  • Botanical Gardens or National Parks

 Home activities such as:

  • Picnic in the garden,
  • Puzzles, colouring in, blocks
  • Movie afternoon (a lot of these!)
  • Assisting you with cooking or baking

TIP: Have a couple of options, write them down and post them on the fridge and then at least you know what you will be doing to keep the little ones entertained.

How to not overspend during the holidays

The simple truth is that we are not meant to touch our December salary until the end of December. Splurging your December salary on gifts, eating out, and holiday festivities will cripple your finances in January.

If you get a bonus in December, first pay off any debt (or make a significant dent) and put money away for your goals. I like to pay school fees as soon as possible.

TIP: Set up a budget for your holiday spoils and stick to it.

= Share this post if you are prone to losing your ish over the holidays! We don’t judge…

Author: Cherralle

Mom, wife and career loving parent. This blog focus on career and work life topics for mothers.

2 thoughts on “How To Not Lose Your Cool Over the Festive Season”

  1. These are some great tips! I had to LOL at the person being volunteered to host the braai’s!

    I have to do my best to save money and my sanity this festive season as hubby just lost his job…so it’s imperative that I work well with my cash going forward.

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